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        Woodblock Pictures and Farmers' Painting(2)

        2009-02-26 17:07:31 作者:phpcms 来源: 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0

        Fengxian New Year Picture

        \ It is a type of folk woodblock picture popular in the southwest of China and produced in Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province. Shili Village is famous for its large variety of woodblocks. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, some workshops engraved, printed, and sold New Year pictures. It is coloured in orange, green, and red.


        Foshan New Year Picture

        \ It is popular in the south of China and produced in Foshan, Guangdong Province. It originated in the Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty, flourished in the Qianlong Period and the Jiaqing Period of the Qing Dynasty. The picture shops were situated in the Water Lane and the Fulu Lane. Foshan New Year picture consists of three types: original picture, woodblock picture, and woodblock realistic picture. Its themes run a range of gate god, festival picture, etc.


        Wuxi Paper Horse

        \ It is popular in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and used for folk sacrifice. One of the types is printed in black, and others are printed on coloured paper with ink plate. The latter is distinguished for its printing process which consists of printing, painting and printing again. It is like the theatrical roles" masks.


        Ci County Paper Horse

        \ More than 70 original editions of this paper horse were found in 1987 with pictures on both plates. The negative side is in the form of a square on which many spirits were printed.


        Yunnan Paper Horse

        It is popular in the middle, northwest and south of Yunnan Province. As estimated, its varieties are numbered at 3600.


        Anhui Woodblock Picture

        \ It belongs to the school of Anhui woodblock. Huizhou (now it is Shexian) is the center of publishing enterprise in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Both the woodblock picture printed in Huizhou Prefecture and the woodblock picture printed in other areas but by Huizhou natives are called Huizhou woodblock picture. Huizhou woodblock picture flourished in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, among which the picture printed by the Huan family was the most famous. Others were picture printers called Bao, Wang and Tang. Later on elite and men of letters got involved in its development and thus many masterpieces were generated.


        Jinling Blockprinting Picture

        \ It belongs to the school of block print picture. It is in vogue in the area of Jinling, now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It was in boom in Ming Dynasty. Along Sanshan Street there were many workshops blockprinting and selling books. Among these workshops there were Fuchuntang, Shidetang, Jizhizhai, Weilingge, Guangqingtang, Huancuitang, Shizhuzhai, Jieziyuan, etc. Their representative works were The Collection of Pictures, Jinling Sanskrit Temples and the Pictorial Biography of Jieziyuan Pictures, etc.


        Wulin Blockprinting Picture

        \ It belongs to the school of blockprinting picture. It is printed in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Wuling used to be the center of blockprinting since the Song and Yuan Dynasties. In the Southern Song Dynasty the printing houses were situated in Wazi Street. In this period the representative works were The Pictorial Eulogy of the Zenist, The Book of Law and Lotus, The Plum Biography of Happy Spirits.


        Jian'an Blockprinting Picture

        \ It belongs to the school of blockprinting picture. It was printed in Jian"an , Fujian Province. Jian'an was one of the book printing centers in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Its representative works were The Women of Virtues printed in the Song Dynasty and The Five Talkstories printed in the Yuan Dynasty. Their pattern is such as the picture on the upper part and the characters on the lower part.


        Blockprinted Paper Card

        It is a type of gambling device. It took the form of a rectangular, was blockprinted, and figures and decorating patterns were added.


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