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        您现在的位置:首页Chinese culturechina's folklore tour

        China Travel News and Events

        2009-02-26 17:28:33 作者:phpcms 来源: 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0


        Ancient Town Initialtes Night Tour

        Tongli, an ancient water town in Jiangsu Province known worldwide as a "natural setting for films and TV plays," is launching a night tour program to attract tourists. The program includes such item as night tour of Tongli, staying with a peasant family, and sightseeing on a boat. From January to June of 1999, the number of tourists increased to 300,000, up nearly 20 percent over the same period of last year.

        Tourists can enjoy not only the beautiful scenery of the water town, but also pingtan (story-telling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect), and ensembles of traditional stringed and woodwind instruments. They can also stay in an ancient residence built during the Ming or Qing Dynasty with a farmer's family, and cook dishes of local flavor on an earthen stove. Sightseeing in the ancient town by boat during the day and living the life of a local farmer at night is a unique experience for a tourist.


        Kashi to Hold Culture and Tourism Festival

        The 2,000-year-old Kashi in southwestern Xinjiang, an important city on the Old Silk Road, concentrates the essence of Uygur folklore, culture, art, architectural style and traditional economy.

        To display the traditional culture of Kashi, called a "bright pearl on the Old Silk Road," and its new outlook, the city will hold its first culture and tourism festival from September 4 to 7. The mascot of the event is a camel, reflecting the characteristics of the Western Regions. The festival will have rich and colorful contents, including a large-scale inaugural ceremony, performances of ethnic songs and dances, wrestling, and tasting of local snacks, dried and fresh fruits. Meanwhile, three tourist routes will be offered to tourists on September 4, 5 and 7.


        Tang Poems Tour

        A sightseeing tour route in eastern Zhejiang has been named the "Route of tang Poems." According to statistics of the Xinchang Research Society of the Route of Tang Poems, 312 of the 2,200 well known poets of the Tang Dynasty(618-907) traversed this route and left poems.

        The route starts from Hangzhou, passing through Shaoxing, and going from Jianhu along the Cao'e River to Wozhou Lake and Tianlao Mountain inn Xinchang County, and ends at Shiliang Waterfalls on Tiantai Mountain. The scenic area covers 120 square kilometers.

        Tourist spots along the "Route of Tang Poems" are all linked by highways, with complete tourist facilities. It is a food itinerary combining visiting the ancient remains, appreciating poetry, worshipping Buddhas, sightseeing and holiday-making.


        Lake Park to Be Built in Suzhou

        China's largest urban lake park will be built in Suzhou in Jiangsu Province.

        Jinji (Golden Roster) Lake, covering an area of 7.4 square kilometers, is located in the Suzhou Industrial Park. The lake is one quare kilometer larger than West Lake in Hangzhou. At present, eight specialized area have been designated, including the Urban Square, Lakeshore Boulevard, Waterway of the Grand Canal, Tourist Service Center, Ecological Nature Reserve, Wildlife Nature Reserve, Bird-viewing Area, Outdoor Theater, and Sports Park. Meanwhile, such facilities as Swimming Area, Angling Area, Aquatic Leisure Activity Center and Passenger Boat Anchorage will be built.

        The project will last four to five years.

        China's First Cross-sea Cableway Built

        The Lingshui Xincun Cableway, the first cross-sea cableway in China, has been built in Hainan Province

        Nanwan Monkey Island is China's largest nature reserve for Chinese monkeys. The cableway, 2,157 meters long, has a designed capacity of transporting 450 passengers an hour. It takes seven minutes for tourists to get to Nanwan Monkey Island by cableway.

        Ili Launches New Tourist Program

        Ili Prefecture in Xinjiang has launched four new tourist programs and 12 golden tour routes.

        Ili, a communications hub on the Old Silk Road, has rich tourist resources including mountains, grasslands, lakes, and folklore. The four tourist resources including mountains, grasslands, lakes, and folklore. The four tourist programs are Three-Day Ili Sightseeing Tour, Five-Day Folklore Tour, Seven-Day Sightseeing and Holiday-Making Tour, and Three-Day Ili Historical Sites Tour.



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