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        您现在的位置:首页Chinese culturechina's folk art introduction

        Ceramics and Sculpture(3)

        2009-02-26 17:35:15 作者:phpcms 来源: 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0


        Qingtian Stone Carving
        \ Qingtian stone is produced in Qingtian, Zhejiang Province. The local stonemason use it to make handiworks. They are skilled at making full use of the stone"s shapes and arrange the layout of patterns according to stones with different shapes.


        Hui'an Stone Carving
        Hui'an, Fujian Province, teems with blue stones which the stonemasons use to make sculptures for decorating temples. Hui'an stone carving is famous for the stone lion. It is lovely and has stone pearls in the mouth. Its themes are mainly figures, flowers and birds.


        Chrysanthemum Stone Carving
        \ Liuyang County, Anhui Province, produces a type of stone with chrysanthemum shapes and white grain. In the Qing Dynasty the stone mason carved the stone into different kinds of stationery, daily necessities and furniture ornaments.


        Brick Carving
        \ Craftsman carves images and patterns on the brick with fine quality. The brick-carved articles are used to decorate the walls of the temples , graves and houses.


        Tianjin Brick Carving
        Tianjin brick carving flourished since Tianjin became a commercial port in the Qing Dynasty. In many mansions of Tianjin, the gate towers , walls, and roofs were decorated with carved bricks. Its themes are flowers, figures and dragons, etc, which are symbolic of auspiciousness and wealth.


        Wood Carving
        Wood carving uses the woods which are hard and inelastic. The craftsman can make use of the roof's natural shape. The carving skills include relief carving, engraving, etc.


        Dongyang Wood Carving
        \ Dongyang wood-carved handiworks are mainly used to decorate the buildings. Besides, there are wood-carved daily appliances. Its themes are figures, mountains, water, animals, flowers, etc.


        Guangdong Golden Lacquer Wood Carving
        Its material is quality camphorwood, and is pasted with gold foils after it is carved. The wood- carved articles are used to decorate buildings and furnitures. Its themes are from theatrical stories and animals.


        Coconut Carving
        \ Its material is the shell of coconut of Hainan Island. It began to flourish in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The outside of the shell is engraved with grains and its inner side is embedded with tin, copper, silver. The coconut-carved articles are bowls, plates, bottles as well as tea sets, wine sets, etc.


        Birch Bark Carving
        This carving process goes like this: the birch bark is peeled off, and cut into shapes needed, then sewed into articles with leather threads, and finally is engraved and pressed into various patterns with sharp tools. It becomes a beautiful handiwork after being dried.



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