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        您现在的位置:首页Chinese culturechina's folk art introduction

        Ceramics and Sculpture(2)

        2009-02-26 17:36:01 作者:phpcms 来源: 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0


        Uygurian Pottery
        \ It is a type of the pottery of the Uygur Nationality in Xinjiang . It is divided into two types: utensil pottery and architecture pottery.


        Lumu Cricket Basin
        It is the most distinguished basin in the Ming Dynasty. Holding cricket fight is in fashion in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Small kilns for making cricket basin came into being in Lumu, Jiangsu Province. Its material is carefully chosen and its mould is meticulously made. The kilned basin must be put into the red tea water or river mud. In this way , the basin can draw in enough water and ventilate.


        Folk Carved Stone
        Stone carving is of a long history. The stone carving craftsmen can give a full play to different stone materials, meticulously carved stones.


        Stone Lion
        The image of the lion was introduced into China as a symbol of exorcising evils and maintaining auspiciousness. Thus many stone-carved lions can be found in temples, pagodas, palaces, gardens and mansions. Its lively image is popular among the people.


        Horse-Tethering Stakes
        \ It is a stone-carved article widely spread in the south of Shaanxi Province. It consists of four parts: head, neck, body, root. Its head can be carved into legendary characters or animals .


        Fall-Proof Stones
        \ It is also called "baby-tying stone" . It is used to prevent babies from falling off bed. It is generally carved into many animal figures. Its image is lovely and funny .


        Fangcheng Stone Monkey
        \ The craftsmen in Fangcheng, Henan Province, carved the locally produced stone into monkey shape which is adumbrated in different colors. Fangcheng stone monkeys pose various postures on the occasions of festivals, children would wear them as mascot.


        \ As recorded in Tao Zongyi"s the Record of Stopping Tilling in the South Village : Shigandang is stone-carved general sculpture or stele for the sake of protecting mansions.


        Huizhou Wood, Brick and Stone Carving
        \ They are found in She County, Anhui Province and used to decorate mansions. Their themes are animals, fauna and flora, and auspicious symbols.


        Shou Mount Stone Carving
        \ Shou Mount stone is produced in Shou Mount, Fujian Province. It is stiff instead of hard, and abound in colors. It is expressive by way of hole engraving.



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