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        2009-02-26 22:50:22 作者:许诺 来源:http://makayan.com/ 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0


        There are 308,839 Naxi living in China.  Of those, 2/3 live in Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County in Yunnan Province.  The Naxi came from the combination of ancient Qiang people and local aborigines.  The Mosuo of Lugu Lake, although very different from the Naxi but has been classified as part of the Naxi ethnic group.  (Due to the difference in their customs, I have decided to separate the information on the Mosuo on a separate webpage.  Please click on the "Mosuo" tab on the left to read about this interesting group)


        The Naxi has the world's only living language that is a pictograph.  Their language, called "Dongba" has been in existence for 1,000 years and continue to be used by shamans called "Dongba".  In the past only men are able to be shamans, and only shamans can learn the language of Dongba.  Now, in order to preserve the language, Dongbas teach both male and female Naxi the pictographic language. 

        In 1957, the spoken language was transcribed to Latin letters, but since being "saved" in 1996, the Dongba script has been getting a lot of attention and students.

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         The ancient Naxi music is also on a revival.  The ancient symphony of the "Baishaxieyue" has been handed down from generation.  To listen to the ancient music of the Naxi, click here!


        Naxi men are said to be "relaxed" while the women are hardworking.  The women do most of the agricultural work (except plowing) and most of the housework.  The men are expected to take care of the children and to improve their mind. 

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        The Naxi believe in worshipping nature.  While some are now practicing Buddhism, many continue to believe in their ancient religion.  Like the other ethnic groups, the Naxi has a variety of festivals.  Some of them include: Jitian (offering a sacrifice to Heaven), "Jisanduo" (offering a sacrifice to Sanduo, the guardian of the people), the Torch festival, etc. 





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        Like the other ethnic groups, the Naxi men has taken to dressing more like the Han.  The women however, continue to wear the traditional clothing of:  gown wit loose waist and long sleeves and a black sleeveless jacket and pleated skirt with long pants and boat-shaped embroidered shoes.  The sheepskin cape have seven round cloth ring and seven pairs of tassels embroidered with design of moon and stars and the Big Dipper.  The forefathers of the Naxi were nomadic and this is represented by the sheepskin.  The moon and the stars design represent good luck.   (The costume on the left is worn by a musician and is a variation of the traditional costume) 


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