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        首页 人物书画家

        王天杨与他的绘画 (冰雪世界与狼共舞)

        2015-09-09 15:23:17 作者:阳化杰 来源:中华民族文化网 浏览次数:0 网友评论 0

         王天扬(王清林), 别名关东天杨,1966年出生, 男 ,朝鲜族, 籍贯黑龙江 鸡西,艺术家类别; 职业画家、美协会员、、国画家、艺术家、、 擅长国画及当代艺术。


             王天扬(王清林), 别名关东天杨,1966年出生, 男 ,朝鲜族, 籍贯黑龙江 鸡西,艺术家类别; 职业画家、美协会员、、国画家、艺术家、、 擅长国画及当代艺术。


        王天杨(TIANYANG WANG),1966年出生于中国东北的黑龙江鸡西地。职业画家,现居中国深圳。






        A legendary painter who is very stylized in contemporary China. A personality artist whose works are continuous appreciation.

        TianYang Wang. Born in 1966 in Jixidi, Heilongjiang, northeastern of China. Living in Shenzhen currently. Hi is a professional artist.

        TainYang Wang grew in the forest with snow and ice at his early age, which made his "ice world" artistic style of painting career more than 30 years.

        The wolf is the main subject matter in TianYang Wang’s painting, their team spirit, perseverance, responsibility, endurance, persistence etc, all these traits were deeply attracted him, so he fell in love with them. For creating the ”Wolf", he went to the original forest alone for searching the wolfs’ footprints, and many times he went to the zoo to observe the wolfs’ life behavior, he spent a lot of time to ”dances with wolves", he painted in the view of the wolfs, he made the wolfs’ spirit into his own spirit.

        When his “Wolf series" painting came out, we saw how TianYang Wang painted this group of unique animal in the most real performance and profound dialysis. We saw how deep he infatuation with his hometown “ice world" and "Wolf clan”.

        Harmonious coexistence with nature, this is the advocacy of the eternal. However, human being never stop to destroy the nature. As an advocate to protect ecological environment of the earth, Tianyang Wang will also produced a series of "Wolf" and "environmental protection" as the theme of the paintings, by the performance of the work, hope to arouse the human to think about the life of earth and ecology, strengthen the environmental protection consciousness of people, this is the responsibility that should been undertook as a professional painter, and make unremitting efforts for this.






        上一篇: 杨代习 侗族旅法画家

        下一篇: 王天杨与他的绘画

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