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        Shaanxi traditional cultural week wows Berlin

        2015-09-11 10:13:29 Author:culture Source:National culture Browse number:0 Comment 0 A

        Jointly organized by the Berlin China Cultural Center and the Cultural Department of Shaanxi province, the Shaanxi Traditional Cultural Week kicked off in Berlin on September 6, giving the public a chance to come up close to traditional ancient Chinese culture.
        A long-sleeve puppet dance show is presented during the opening of the cultural event. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

        Jointly organized by the Berlin China Cultural Center and the Cultural Department of Shaanxi province, the Shaanxi Traditional Cultural Week kicked off in Berlin on September 6, giving the public a chance to come up close to traditional ancient Chinese culture. Well-known cultural heritages such as paper-cutting and folk face-painting were presented.

        One of the classic puppet shows Pigsy Takes a Wife (Zhu Ba Jie Qu Xi Fu) is performed during the opening of the cultural fair. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

        Artist of Shehuo folk face-painting interacts with German visitors. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

        A visitor views the paper-cutting artworks. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

        Guests and artists take a group photo at the opening ceremony. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

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