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        Monkeys on artist's gourd pyrography

        2016-04-02 21:10:21 Author:阳化杰编辑 Source:中华民族文化网 Browse number:0 Comment 0 A

        A tourist displays a pair of gourd pyrography handicrafts decorated with zodiac monkeys created by Wang Lanqi, a folk artist in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, on Dec 29, 2015. [Photo/China.com.cn]

        A tourist displays a pair of gourd pyrography handicrafts decorated with zodiac monkeys created by Wang Lanqi, a folk artist in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, on Dec 29, 2015. [Photo/China.com.cn]

        Gourd phrography is a traditional Chinese handicraft. As the Year of the Monkey comes, handicrafts related with the zodiac monkeys have become particularly popular throughout the country. Wang Lanqi, a gourd pyrography artist in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, has recently created a group of zodiac monkey handicrafts using the high-temperature electric ironing. His works have a distinctive style and are well received by both local people and tourists.

        On A: Rongjiang dates back to the Yongzheng reign period

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